Tuesday, April 17, 2012

hello there

Its been a while since I have been here on blogger.. yes I have been busy as most of you all reading this have been. Also I just havent felt like writing.. I have to be in the mood... or just really MAKE myself do it.  I wanted to stop by and say that  the Lord has pricked my heart to  , take action on things that I have had in my head for a long time. Charity work. Being Compassionate. I have a few projects in the works and will be making a blog about it and hopefully I can keep up with the blog better than I have the two blogs I have in the past. Stay tuned for more.
Please Pray for me and my endevors as I go forward in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Im setting a Goal and going for it!!

For Christmas I got a Kindle Fire.. Yay me.. Its really neat!! I am enjoying it so much! I bought an ebook written by a fellow Face Book friend. It was soooo good.. I loved it. Shes just an ordinary homeschooling mom.. just like me.!! Well I think shes cooler than me,but like her book says" Don't compare yourself to other moms".. that's so hard for me NOT to do.. Anyways reading her book was the last push I needed to get out of my comfort zone and do something I have ALWAYS wanted to Do... Write a BOOK!!!  So thank you Jessica Bowman.. Thank YOU!!  Not only for an amazingly honest and eye opening book,( one that I needed to read badly because I have a 5 year old  little boy  ) but for showing us all that even  SAHM 'S can do something Extraordinary Too!
a link to her blog http://www.bohemianbowmans.com/ 

My first book is going to be very personal. I will be writing about losing my unborn son due to a car accident I was in.  My book will be published sometime this year. I am hoping this is just the first of many books I write. Although I dont claim to be good at it,  I love to write. The fact that Im back at writing just proves to me how much I have healed since my loss. During my grief I found it so hard to write at times. Now I wake up with thoughts in my head wanting to write and by the time I get to the computer usually an hr or two later.. I cant remember what I was thinking.. ugh.. so Im going to keep a notepad beside my bed.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Papa is in a Nursing Home

When You’re Visiting a Loved One in a Nursing Home NursingHomes.org: When You’re Visiting a Loved One in a Nursing Home
by admin on October 27, 2010

My grandfather, I call him Papa who is my moms dad, was admitted to a Nursing Home about 6 weeks ago. I have been to visit him about 4 times since hes been there. I would have been more often, but since my van was in the shop for 3 weeks I was unable to make the one hr drive. I wanted to blog about this because I'm having trouble with it and feel I need to just get it all out.  It makes me VERY sad to see him living there. It makes me sad to see anyone living in a Nursing home. I think the Ideal way to live when your old is with your children or a loving family member in a real home. I know thou alot of times that situation isn't possible. Nursing homes are such lonely places. I'm glad that hes in the nicest nursing home in his town. I wish I was allowed to take him out to eat , to church or to a movie again. He told me because of insurance reasons he cant leave unless hes under the care of the nursing home staff. I know he sometimes gets to go to Walmart to shop with the nursing home staff. The day before he went to the nursing home I took him to see a movie. He really enjoyed it. 

 He told me the first time I went to visit him that he didn't want to live anymore. He said hes ready to go. But I don't want him to go. Hes the only gpa I have. My other gpa died when I was 7 yrs old. I don't even remember him. My Papa and mama divorced after 40 yrs of marriage. After being married to another women for 7 or 8 yrs he divorced her and remarried my mama. Six months later they got an annulment. So he doesn't have a wife to take care of him. I know my mama still loves him. I know she always will. None of my family members are able to stay home during the day to care for him so the only two choices are a nursing home or his own apt with a full time nurse or caregiver.  I don't know what a full time nurse or caregiver would cost but I'm guessing its as expensive as a nursing home. I'm going to go see him as much as I can. I hope he gets to come to Family Christmas this year.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Training to Run

This may bore anyone reading this but I'm going to write it cause its about ME and this is MY Blog!  Eight years ago I was in a car accident and broke my Right thigh bone in half. Since then I have not been able to RUN.  I had been walking and running for the past 25 or so years and I have to do what?? Learn to walk again!!! What a Hard thing for me to wrap my mind around. I will never forget the first time I got out of the hospital bed to sit in a potty chair next to my bed and could hardly move any part of my body especially my legs. My left leg was badly bruised. I lost  alot of muscle in my Right leg due to the way it broke. To fix the break I ended up with a metal rod inside my leg from my hip to my knee.  During weather changes Its True I hurt more.. NO lie.. I can feel a difference. In middle school I ran track my 8th grade year.. Loved running but I was the second slowest on my team :)  Its OK.. I did the best I could. I knew the others were better than me and I was OK with that. I just loved running! I also played soccer my 8th and 9th grade year. Again, I sucked at that that sport to. Hey at least I tried right! The summer after graduating High school I went to the track at the middle school and ran alot.  I loved to run when I was stressed!! Lately I have thought of the time I spent on that track at Delay Middle school and sometimes wish I could go back in time and be that young girl again with out a broken leg. My goal is to run in an organized race for some good cause sometime next year. Right now I cant run more than 2 mins with out feeling like my leg is going to give out.
So what I have to do is build muscle up in my leg. Good thing is my husband has one of those huge weight machines that is buried in the garage under a bunch of junk. we are going to clean it off so I can use it. It will especially come in handy this winter when its to cold to run outside. I will blog about my progress from time to time.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Reginas Perspective

I have a blog called the Sturgeon Seven where I write about my family. I want that blog to ONLY be about my family.  Lately I find myself wanting to write more about other things that are also important to me.  I decided to create another blog to do just that. In THIS blog I will write from my perspective on random topics. I will sometimes repost what others have already said If I feel that they have said it better than I could have. For as long as I can remember I have ALWAYS loved writing. Around age 9 or 10 I started writing a book called "Bull Corn".. I cant remember what It was about or why I choose that title. I dont know what happen to it either.  During my preteen to teen years I wrote in a Diary and or Journal.  In the 9th grade I took a Jouralism class and loved it. I wanted to continue in the direction of wrting but, I was also very interested in becoming a nurse. In 11th and 12th grade I signed up in Health Occupations in order to persue my passion for becoming a nurse. Well as some of you know.... I became a Dental Assistant instead. I think it suits me just fine. I dont have any regrets in that job title. I do however regret not writing more over the years. So here I am on my mini lap top stuck in bed for at least the next two days due to a nasty sinus cold. I get at least one a year. So what a perfect time to start this blog!